
There are several blogs on the internet detailing other people’s walks up hills and mountains in the UK, there are many fine pages showing routes up various fells, many of which will be better than this blog. So, why bother reading my blog? No reason at all, so I guess you might as well move on…

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Half a Kentmere Round

In February 2024 Andy and I Journeyed to Kentmere, a tiny but popular Lakeland Hamlet to climb a few Wainwrights. As it was Winter, it wasn’t feasible to do the full Kentmere Round (or ‘Horseshoe’ if you are that way inclined). We parked by the church and followed our path towards Yoke; it was a relaxing romp to the top and the rest of the wander was pleasant, taking in Ill Bell, Frostwick, Thornthwaute Crag and its beacon, the elusive Mardale Ill Bell then down via Nan Bield Pass to Kentmere. 

This was Andy’s first visit here and I had not been here for many years, so it was good to get re-acquainted with the area. I do love this part of the Lakes, there is a certain magic to the place…

This time round we have a photo video of the walk… here



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 Nicky Nook Walk - July 2024 - Here